Friday, February 6, 2009

Poetry 360: The world is on fire, baby

Poetry 360: The world is on fire, baby
I found this poem written by some guy named Peter Stinson, who apparently is a professional poet. So here it is, my linked blog. I think the poem is okay, although I like rhyming poems better. I guess it's because I can't really relate to it as well. It's kind of the first poem I found too, after having major issues finding people who actually post poetry. But from the looks of it, this guy's a professional, so that's pretty neat.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link... I'm not a professional poet (ie, someone who writes poetry for a living), but I have written poetry for decades and did earn a B.A. in creative writing.

    I'm not sure what the deal is with the link to the poem; something's not quite right with the Poetry 360 site. So, here's the poem, for those who care; and, you're right, no rhyming, I'm more Plath-like:


    It's time to come inside.
    The smoke is thick as a deep Indian tea,
    The southern sky aflame with orange and red
    As you call up honey
    A smattering, a glitter, in
    The evening's candle light.

    It's time to come inside; the
    Hearth draws near and the
    Air shimmers as if alive.
    Too often, have I felt the love
    Upon my neck, a shuttering,
    Even in sooty air.

    It's time. It's time for something
    Other than the melancholic moans of
    Dissatisfaction lingering like
    Smoke on a barbecue, the coals white
    Hot and desirous of fat and meat
    Drips into the smoldering ash.

    It's time to come inside; the
    World is on fire, baby.
