Monday, January 26, 2009

My first creative writing poem

Winter Perils
My muscles clench in anticipation
because I cant' hide my deep appreciation
for the obnoxious elements that await me
So I step outside in an upset hurry
I'm decked out in my hat and scarf to brace
but the bitter wind penetrates and stings my face
The cold wet matter on the ground cruelly mocks
as it seeps through my shoes and dampens my socks
I walk so vigorously to escape this beast
Then comes what I expect the least,
after I have hourneyd thus far, there's a cold sparkly treasure blanketing my car
I should have known that this would be my fate
Driving in the winter, what could be more great?
I wrote this poem fairly quickly during school. It is simply about my general cynism toward the winter and all of the discomfort that it brings me. I guess I was feeling particularly down about the weather that day due to my being sick. Mr. Ackerman said it could be about anything, so I looked out the window and viola, a poem. Not one of my best, but it serves the purpose I suppose. It rhymes and conveys sarcasm, and that's basically what I had in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job for writing it quickly in school! Keep up the good work!
